Lake Champlain Shipwrecks

Some of the shipwrecks listed on the list are not dive sites that are open to recreational divers.

* Sites with an asterisk are a part of the Vermont Underwater Historic Preserves. They are open to the public during the diving season (May to October), and accessible to any certified SCUBA diver. Season registration is required for all divers.

Revolutionary War Gunboat Spitfire
British Sloop Boscawen
War of 1812 Vessels: Allen, Eagle, Linnet & Ticonderoga
Barge (Wreck OO)
Steel Barge (Wreck FFF)
Rouses Point Barge (Wreck WW)
Barge with Brick Load (Wreck GGG)
Port Henry Drawboat
Horse Ferry *
Lake Schooner (Wreck SSS)
Lake Sloop (Wreck QQQ)
Lake Schooner Excelsior
Lake Schooner Sarah Ellen
Lake Schooner Water Witch*
Ausable Point Pin Plat
Sailing Canal Boat General Butler *
Sailing Canal Boat O.J. Walker *
Sailing Canal Boat Troy (Wreck SS)
Sailing Canal Boat in Shoreham
Sailing Canal Boat (Wreck C)
Sailing Canal Boat (Wreck UU)
Sailing Canal Boat (Wreck TTT)
Sailing Canal Boat (Wreck UUU)
Sailing Canal Boat (Wreck WWW)
Standard Canal Boat, “Coal Barge” *
Standard Canal Boat L.A. Hall (Wreck II)
Standard Canal Boat near Diamond Island, “Stone Boat”*
Standard Canal Boat near Sloop Island (Wreck Z)*
Standard Canal Boat Vergennes “Stove Boat”
Standard Canal Boat “Mule Wreck” (Wreck EE)
Standard Canal Boats at Gourlie Point (Wrecks I4, J4, K4)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck A4 & B4)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck F4)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck K7)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck P4)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck Q7)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck GG)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck JJ)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck LL)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck YYY)
Standard Canal Boat (Wreck ZZZ)
Steamboat L.J.N. Stark (Wreck YY)
Steamboat Phoenix *
Steamboat Champlain II
Airplane U.S. Army Aircraft Rescue Boat P-239 (Wreck E)
Airplane Republic Seabee
Missisquoi Bay Barges
Modern Powerboat (Wreck EEE)
Modern Powerboat Boat (Wreck JJJ)
Modern Powerboat (Wreck KKK)
Modern Powerboat (Wreck NNN)
Modern Sailboat (Wreck DDD)
Modern Sailboat (Wreck MMM)
Tugboat U.S. La Vallee *
Tugboat Wm. H. McAllister
Diesel Ferry Roosevelt II
Brown’s Brickyard
Great Bridge – Ticonderoga to Mt. Independence
Ore Bed Harbor mining remains
Pine Street Barge Canal Site